#1 in PQ!
All Other Agents $711
We Know PQ!
Selling statistics from San Diego MLS. These numbers believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed.
These numbers relate specifically to the work of the Christensen Realty Group in the Rancho Peñasquitos community.
“Creating Value for Our Clients and Our Community.” This statement is far more than just a tag line for us – this is what we’re all about. We include this on every marketing piece we produce for two reasons: 1) To remind ourselves why we’re in business, and 2) as a measuring stick for our clients and our community to hold us accountable. This drives us to do more, to be better, to keep growing and improving.
First and foremost, Rancho Peñasquitos is our stake in the ground. This is where we fly our flag. Nothing we do, either for our clients or our community, is “a one and done.” We’re committed to serving this community for the long term.
We not only serve this community, we’re part of this community and have been for 25 years. We raised four kids here. Our friends are here. Our “play” is here. Our work is here. Needless to say, we have a vested interest in the well-being of our clients and this community.
We understand being entrusted to sell someone’s home is not just about putting a “Sold” sign in the yard. We know it’s really about protecting AND maximizing your home equity. Wherever you go next, whatever life stage you’re in, you deserve to get as much equity as the market will allow. That’s our job … to do all we can to guide you in maximizing your gain, and while doing so, give you the best possible experience.
We know what it means to sell your home. We’ve been there. We know the stress. We see you. We hear you. We care.
Regarding the experience we seek to provide, we’ve found these crucial elements make all the difference to our clients:
Great attention to detail. Whether it’s home prep, marketing, or paperwork, attention to detail can make a huge difference to all parties, especially you. By the way, we’re human to human based and technology enhanced. :))
Consistent, timely communication. We work to make every transaction as hassle free as we can. That said, we can’t promises there won’t be some stress or hurdles along the way. What we can do is promise to keep you updated and always tell you the truth.
Setting proper expectations. We’ve found that stress and disappointment come when our reality doesn’t measure up to our expectations. We work hard to establish proper expectations, then we seek to exceed.
Professionalism and Empathy. We think of these characteristics as two sides of the same coin. On the one side, we want to continually grow as experts in real estate, marketing, and negotiating – you should expect us to be excellent at what we do. On the other side, we’re human and we know you are too. We know selling a home involves lots of different emotions and stessors – we get it. You should expect us to care – we do.
The Christensen Realty Group currently consists of six full time agents all focused on serving each of our clients. We’re a team because no one agent can cover the bases and offer the level of service that a specialized team can.
We live and office in Rancho Peñasquitos – you don’t get more local or focused than that!