Q: Why don’t ants get sick?
A: Because they have little anty-bodies.
This “dad-joke” and joke for the “pest control trade” was told to us by Caleb Raymond: Fantastic dad, husband, Rancho Peñasquitos resident and the owner of Mission Pest Control. You may have seen their smart looking red Mission Pest Control vans around the county where they work hard to rid our homes, structures, and outdoor spaces of unpleasant and potentially destructive pests.
Caleb put himself through college selling pest control services on his way to a degree in CIVIL ENGINEERING. At the pest control company, he worked his way up, eventually supervising 30 people and becoming a company leader along the way. The experience gave him a passion for the satisfaction of developing and motivating people and insight into business ownership. Out in the work world after graduation, he found that engineering couldn’t compete with the spark he felt for becoming an entrepreneur.

In 2017 Caleb and his wife Lauren decided to take a leap of faith and started a business doing what he knew best… BUGS! They spent about a year building the business model, getting their licenses in order and on May 1, 2018, they opened Mission Pest Control. Lauren was pregnant at the time with their first baby, making things a little harder. While Lauren oversaw the office and call center, Caleb ran the routes from 6:45 am to 5 pm and then knocked on doors until 8:30 pm getting customers for the next day.

Caleb is passionate about motivating others, developing the skills and knowledge of his employees, and invests in their potential by providing meaningful jobs and career opportunities. These traits are exactly what makes Mission Pest Control the kind of business that the Christensen Realty Group loves to support and partner with. If you’ve looked at the Christensen Realty Group’s blog or read our past emails, you know that we follow the Go-Giver’s 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success. In Caleb Raymond and Mission Pest Control, we see these principles demonstrated very well. The Go-Giver Way
Mission Pest Control is a partner in presenting the Christensen Realty Group’s 8th Annual Movie in the Park and we couldn’t be happier to have their involvement. Look for their bright red canopy on August 19 at Peñasquitos Creek Park where they will have games, give-away freebies, expert pest-control advice, and special offers for new and returning Park Village customers.
You can request service by calling them at 858-345-9990, send an email to customercare@missionpestcontrol.com or click over to the website here:
The Raymond family isn’t ONLY about the BUSINESS of BUGS… The Raymonds are a sweet family of 5, and in the thick of balancing the needs of a young family with the demands of being entrepreneurs where you’re never really “off the clock”. When they DO make time for fun, they head outdoors – to the WATER! They love the beach and the activities it entails (surfing, body surfing) as well as boating. There’s an annual family trip to Lake Powell for water skiing, fishing, and family camping. Their four-year-old daughter Charlie is obsessed with fishing and likes to examine every fish before turning it loose.

About Rancho Peñasquitos Caleb says:
“This is the best place I have EVER lived. Its high hills, canyon and varied terrain mean there are inspiring views from everywhere! Plenty of homes have a stunning view of the canyon or city lights across valleys and hills. The breeze that comes up “our canyon” from the beach keeps us cool even though we are considered “inland”. The people in Rancho Peñasquitos are so diverse and so kind. I have never lived in a place with such nice neighbors. Everyone really looks out for each other here. The neighborhood is safe, and the schools are amazing. I never would have thought I could be so lucky to land in a place like this!”
We asked Caleb to describe his leadership style and business philosophy. He said, “I tell my employees two things: 1. We work to live, not live to work.” He prefers to be flexible with employees regarding family life and schedules knowing that it benefits everyone in the long run. And “2. The customer pays our rent/mortgage, so take good care of them. “
One more BUG tip before we go: Mosquitos don’t like garlic, so eating lots of garlic will help keep mosquitoes away. (But may keep your loved ones away too… wink)
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