When you start thinking about selling, you may ask yourself, and your Realtor, that very question.
When meeting with sellers we often suggest doing what we call “Smart Fix-Ups.” This could include interior and/or exterior paint, replacing some or all flooring, replacing light fixtures, freshening the landscape, etc. The two objections we occasionally hear are:
- Why would I fix up my home for someone else? I won’t even be able to enjoy it.
- Can we give a credit to the buyer so they can make their own choices?
First, the ONLY reason to do Smart Fix-Ups is to maximize your equity gain and increase your wealth. You can only do this IF you have a good return on any Smart Fix-Up investment. When we make suggestions on Fix-Ups we expect to bring a $3.00 – $6.00 return for every $1.00 spent. That’s smart! 🙂 We can do this because of our resources, experience and expertise in this market.
Second, we know today’s buyers have a difficult time “seeing past” whatever they see in photos or even in person. Most can’t imagine what a room would look like with new flooring or new paint. In addition, buyers will tend to way over-estimate the time and money it will take to fix up. From our perspective, why discount or give a credit when you can actually take advantage of this situation, do the Smart Fix-Ups, and make a great return in the process? This is one of the great opportunities you have when you go to sell your home … don’t just sell, maximize your equity!
See amazing Before and After photos and ROI Case Studies
We have the experience, expertise, and resources to make it all work. Let us tell you more … give us a call. 858-869-9035
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